Warning : Highly emotional posts may be input through the whole chapters. Unnecessary words will appear as well which are not appropriate for students as well as secretaries. Note that there will be a lot of words with wrong spellings, either intentional or unintentional. Thank you.

Amaran : Blog ni hanyalah untuk orang yang mampu bertahan dengan gelagat orang pure Melaka serta orang yang terlampau emosi. Yang tak mampu, amat ditekankan agar jangan terus membaca kerana dikhuatiri mengalami angina pectoris ataupun myocardial infarctions. Sekian, harap maklum.

Friday, 18 October 2013

The Unexpected Outcome

Well, the truth is finally out.
I managed to know the real thing.
To be honest, I wasn't that sad cause I can almost guess.
The reason I've confessed is not because I want to have the same in return.
It's because I knew the outcome, so I just want to let you know.
I'm not putting hopes at all.
But, the question is, why are you running away?
We were friends before, can't we stay that way?
If you were scared that I'd be heart broken and that I'll fall for you again,
Then no. I know my limit. I'm not stupid enough to keep holding on.
Or maybe the fact I confessed actually burdened you and that you can't even take a glance of my face, is that it?
If that's the case, I'm sorry.
You said that we could talk as usual again.
But it seems you're the one who's running away.
Making things even more awkward.
If you say you were not, I can see you're lying.
If you really were burdened with what I did, then fine.
I won't try to approach you no more.
Even as a friend.
What really hurts is that the fact you were running away from me.
I don't intend to chase you honestly.
Don't get me wrong.
I'm not that desperate.
No, I'm not.
I'm cool with just being friends.
Rather than strangers, I'd prefer we could be silly together as friends
If only I knew you're gonna do this to me, I'd rather keep it to myself.
I thought you were smart enough to handle such thing.
I was wrong.

"Go ahead and run. I don't intend to chase you anyway...."


  1. aaaaaaaaaahhhh~~~
    I seee~

  2. hmm.. i think he seems like keeping something from u.. idk! but in my opinion he might dont want u to hv crush on him n keep safe distant so that u will not be hurt by him anymore.. :( but either way.. he accidently hurt u.. :(

  3. asombroso! i dont even have the courage to do the same thing you did. :) you own my salute.

    1. Wow. I didn't think someone would find this. But aww thanks :) Idk what came over me to actually have the guts to do so. Maybe I was hurt so much when I kept it inside while the other person suddenly starts avoiding me. So thats why I planned to clear things up :') it hurts but it felt better than before.
