Warning : Highly emotional posts may be input through the whole chapters. Unnecessary words will appear as well which are not appropriate for students as well as secretaries. Note that there will be a lot of words with wrong spellings, either intentional or unintentional. Thank you.

Amaran : Blog ni hanyalah untuk orang yang mampu bertahan dengan gelagat orang pure Melaka serta orang yang terlampau emosi. Yang tak mampu, amat ditekankan agar jangan terus membaca kerana dikhuatiri mengalami angina pectoris ataupun myocardial infarctions. Sekian, harap maklum.

Saturday 17 March 2012

Urami. Revenge

"Anata no urami, harashimasu"
I shall seek your revenge

Yeah. It'a Japanese alright. Ayat tu sebenarnye spoken by Enma Ai dalam anime Jigoku Shoujo masa dia nak bagi straw doll to those who seek revenge.

So topik arini urami. or in english ish revenge.
Cam dalam anime tu kann, sesapa yang benci someone sesangat leh access Jigoku Tsushin yang hanya available pada tepat 12.00tghmalam. Lambat seminit, x jd. haha~ cool gila. As I said, sesapa yang ade hatred yang tinggi je leh access with the accurate time.

Moh che' cita sket jalan citenye.

Bila someone benci kt seseorang sesangat, dy leh access Jigoku Tsushin tu kt intenet yg hanya available at 12.00am @ 0000hrs. Kat situ akan ade satu space where you put the name of the person you wish to take revenge on. Once you clicked, Jigoku Shoujo @ Hell Girl @ Enma Ai akan muncul and give you a straw doll which a red string tied at the neck of the straw doll. The contract goes like this :

(Take this)
Anata ga hontou ni urami wo harashitai tomo nara,
(If you really want to seek revenge)
sono akaito tokebai.
(you may pull the red string)
Ito tokeba watashi to senshiniki keiyako kawashita koto ni naru.
(when you pull the string, you make a covenant with me)
Urami no haite wa, sumiyaka ni jigoku ni nagasareru wa.
(the recipient of your revenge will be ferried straightaway to Hell)

Tadashi, urami wo harashitara
(However, once the revenge is dealt )
anata jishini mo daishoushi haratte mo rau.
(You are rquired to pay the compensation)
Hito wo norowaba ana futatsu.
(When a person is cursed, two holes are dug)
Anata ga shindara, sono tamashii wa jigoku ni ochiru.
(When you die, your soul will fall into Hell)
Kou karaku choudai wa iketsu,
(You will not be able to go to Heaven)
anata no tamashii wa itami to kurushii ni wa chigai na kara
(Your soul will be plunged into pain and suffering)
eien sama yo koto ni naru wa.
(to wander for all eternity)
Ato wa anata ga kimeru koto yo.
(the rest is for you to decide)"

hehe cool kan? :D suke sebut part ni. ayat mmg sameee je stiap episode.

anyway, since you read it, would you actually pull the red string?
would you actually seek revenge due to your own hatred and would risk your afterlife going to hell to suffer for eternity?
think about it.

actually, anime ni bukan laa ngajau soh curse org to hell ke hape.
but it's the moral within.
i don't know about korang yang da pnh tgk ke ta pnh tgk anime ni.
tp bg Jann, anime ni teach us that revenge won't get you anywhere.
won't do you any good.
memang la Jigoku Shoujo ni tak wujud, and kalau wujud pun, sbb contract tu korg xnk kan.
actually this relates to the real life.
walaupun korang xkn dijamin masuk Hell cam citer ni, tp think about it.
Revenge tu kire carik dosa free free je.
Tak payahlah nk balas dendam atas something yg terkena kt sndiri.
It won't do you any good.

Ni tak, org zaman sekarang ni, nak2 bebudak yang taktau malu, mtk maaf menaip, dok gado2 dek rebut makwe ler pakwe ler. eii geli tau tak. meluat tau tak. ko gado2 nk bertumbuk bagai pasai pa? macam xde org lain je kt dunia ni.

belum sentuh lagi pasal dengki mendengki kt bende2 kecik. org tu salah pakai pen ponnn nak maki maki bagai. berapa sgtlah harge pen kau tu pakcik makcik oiii. xyahlah ko nak humban pencilcase dy lam tong sampah. tunjuk hero melalui penghumbanan pencilcase. adehh menangis aku tgk hero zaman sekarang.

It's undeniable that ada kalanya kita terlampau marah. Tapi, ni sekadar nk menasihati, kawal kemarahan tu sesungguhnya marah itu amalan setan. Setan suke riang gumbira cam masuk funfair. Tapi efeknye, kne kat kite balek. Lagipun lau slalu marah nnt cepat tua. kedut muke youuu. xmau la gitu lah kann.

Kalau rasa marah, bila berdiri, hang pi duduk.

Kalau rasa marah, bila duduk, hang pi baring.

Untuk yang Islam,

Kalau rasa marah lagi, pi mandi @ amek wudhu.
Kalau rasa marah lagi, pi baca Al-Quran.
InsyaALLAH tenanglah hati, tenanglah fikiran.

Untuk bukan Islam,
Kalau rasa marah lagi, pi tutup muke dengan bantal pehtu jerit sejerit jeritnya.
hehe~ :P
Kalau rasa marah lagi, pi la mandi kasi sejuk badan~

one more thing, jangan lupe, buat semua umat Islam :

Pahala dan Dosa itu wujud dan pasti,
Syurga dan Neraka itu wujud dan pasti,
Sesungguhnya nikmat Syurga itu sangatlah menyenangkan tidak terhingga dan
Sesungguhnya azab Neraka itu sangatlah menyeksakan tidak tertahan.

Anda anda semua bolehlah menonton Jigoku Shoujo ni kalau nak hehe~ promote anime sat. hoho~


oh yeah. I just found this at 9gag. and I'm agree with it xD

Sounds like a great idea!

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