Warning : Highly emotional posts may be input through the whole chapters. Unnecessary words will appear as well which are not appropriate for students as well as secretaries. Note that there will be a lot of words with wrong spellings, either intentional or unintentional. Thank you.

Amaran : Blog ni hanyalah untuk orang yang mampu bertahan dengan gelagat orang pure Melaka serta orang yang terlampau emosi. Yang tak mampu, amat ditekankan agar jangan terus membaca kerana dikhuatiri mengalami angina pectoris ataupun myocardial infarctions. Sekian, harap maklum.

Friday, 3 January 2014

Just dropping by

Oh come on. I have to admit, forgetting and ignoring seems so hard.

"Haha, thereeeee she goes again all emotional in her blog yadayada~"
Well, sorry lah aku ni emosi melebih lebih. Nama pon pompuan, wattudu wattudu.

Hmm, tetibe malas plak nak blogging. I can't sleep atm so I thought I might wanna visit here and leave a thought. and on second thought, naaaaah~ malas plak nak citer.

Oh btw, I'm addicted to this song thanks to my roommate~
Demi Lovato - Every Time You Lie


Okay no more emotional post tonight.
Lain kali la ye. Do look forward for it mwahaha~

"I knew better than to let you break my heart
This soul you'll never see again, won't be showing scars
You still love her I can see it in your eyes
The truth is all that I can hear
Every time you lie


So don't say sorry cause I'm not gonna listen~"