Warning : Highly emotional posts may be input through the whole chapters. Unnecessary words will appear as well which are not appropriate for students as well as secretaries. Note that there will be a lot of words with wrong spellings, either intentional or unintentional. Thank you.

Amaran : Blog ni hanyalah untuk orang yang mampu bertahan dengan gelagat orang pure Melaka serta orang yang terlampau emosi. Yang tak mampu, amat ditekankan agar jangan terus membaca kerana dikhuatiri mengalami angina pectoris ataupun myocardial infarctions. Sekian, harap maklum.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Emotional Expression of the Day-----OSCE-related

"Writing down your emotions has many health benefits."

Well I wasn't sure whether this is evidence-based or was proven via statistics or logistics but oh well. That actually made me feel like blogging in the middle of the early morning.

As-Salamualykum peeps of the woooooooorld.

Okay so sebeno beno benonye lah kan, Jann ade Respiratory End-of-Block Exam this Friday. hihi. tapi aku dok blogging plak time time camni. nampak tak aku nak ngelat study?
well not really ngelat. taking a break, without kit kat lah tapinye hehe.

Alright now where were we?
Ah, writing down emotions.

Okay sebeno beno benonye jugalah kan tadi Jann ade exam OSCE. sapa taktau, go and seek Mr.Google. konpem terus pahe. okay so that was my first OSCE la actually. kene test Respiratory and Cardiovascular System. honestly I wasn't that panic *ecewah kerek* well, ade la gelabah kambing sket tapi liekkk you knowwww takde la beriya macam "uwarrgghhh OSCEEEE aku nak matiiii cuaaaaak nak meletooooop perooooot" liddat. tu overly emosi sangat tu. just that cam takut la sket sket.

Orang kata, panic do you no good. So I kept calm laa, kot.

Okay here the story begins.

Aku masuk Station 1, otak aku yang kononnye calm, tetibe blank. masuk je pintu, tgk examiner, tengok simulated patient (SP) yang aku dop kenai, terus aku blank. tapi obviously not because SP tu hotsetap ke, examiner tu mcm gimau ke ape. I don't know. My mind went blank. Absolutely, defo-ly NOT GOOD. After buat examination pe sume, then, examiner tanya soalan and I can't think well. I DON'T KNOW WHYYY. Last last, tense, awkward moment in the room, zzz and puff I can't answer sampai siren annoying tu bunyik. My 1st station tu mcm "OMG SORE LOSER LAH AKUU NIII"

but Alhamdulillah, my second station I was waaaay calmer (kejap kejap tengok instruction btw, hihi) walaupun ade part aku terlupa nak buat. not really lupe. tapi I didn't know kene buat tuu. Well tadi aku nak buat general inspection, depa kata "Read the instructions" so okay fine, aku ikot je laaa arahan tu. Then second station kata "Check the patient's radial pulse" otak aku punya laa straight forward sangat, aku dok kira rate ja =.= segala rhythm, volume, collapsing pulse even, haram sume aku tak buat. padahal beriya dok practice kat orang sampai naik muntah da practice. I know all those things but I didn't know I had to do thaaat.

HAHA. Well, at least I managed to ignore the flaws of the 1st station and did better in the second one. Bak kata Dr.Hazian, "Forget your first love. In OSCE, forget about what you did wrong in the previous station and proceed onto the next one" haha btw, I love how she talks and she talk good stuffs too tau :D

So my conclusion is :
"There's always a first time in everything and don't expect to be perfect in the 1st time of anything"
I have no regrets, okay tipu, ade la actually. But I'd prefer that to be a lesson to be better and improve for the next time. Well for now, just hoping I would pass and that I excel for the final written exam this Friday, insyaALLAH.

Fuhh. There goes my expression for the day xD
Oh btw, td balek OSCE truih beli Takoyaki 10 bijik kat sebelah bus stand StreetMall. kahkah. stress punya pasal :3 AND it was SUPERRR oishiii~ ♥ pas makan takoyaki, terlelap. hahaha. dasyhat sungguh efek OSCE ni.

Okay cukup la for today. Kene sambung study balek or I'll be dead meat.