Warning : Highly emotional posts may be input through the whole chapters. Unnecessary words will appear as well which are not appropriate for students as well as secretaries. Note that there will be a lot of words with wrong spellings, either intentional or unintentional. Thank you.

Amaran : Blog ni hanyalah untuk orang yang mampu bertahan dengan gelagat orang pure Melaka serta orang yang terlampau emosi. Yang tak mampu, amat ditekankan agar jangan terus membaca kerana dikhuatiri mengalami angina pectoris ataupun myocardial infarctions. Sekian, harap maklum.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Warning : Emotional Crap Up Ahead. Do not proceed if you hate rubbish talks.


Hmm. Now why is it that we can feel the pain in our hearts when we were hurt? Whilst all these emotions are non-visible. Now, why is it?

If there's a thing I really suck at is maintaining friendship. No, honestly it's true. I have no idea why my big mouth always acting so big and made it that way.
Bak kata orang, "weh mulut minah nih takda insurans."
Some would say, "naaah you won't hurt a fly".
Dude, please. You know NOTHING about me.

Then, when they kept on being nice to me, saying I'm this and that, and once I disappoint them by showing my true self unintentionally, I end up hurting myself as they walk away.

Ever felt that feeling before? Yeah, I'm having it now. Always had them, actually. It's not them I hate, it's me who never seems to stop the flow is what I hate the most.

And when this happens, Rascal Flatts' song will suddenly ring in my head :
"What hurts the most, is being so close.
And having so much to say. 
And watching you walk away"

Sometimes I thought "Sebab ni lah kau tak pernah ade kawan baik which lasts till now. Everyone's sick of your attitude. But you never seem to try and change" kind of thought. It hurts. And it's no use crying.

Again yeah, another emotional post is on. Kan dah cakap.


Maybe that's all for today.


#np Rascal Flatts - What Hurts The Most